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Vern Hallock

Vern Hallock has been in the world of office interiors since 1975, from a background in engineering.  He has seen a metamorphous much like that of the caterpillar into the butterfly.  Vern was actually on the front line of educating the united states government through the "GSA" that ergonomic and acoustic work stations were great for productivity.  He takes this expertise and knowledge to every project and client.  Vern knows and has specified all of the top open office systems from Knoll, Herman Miller, and Allsteel, to the Hon line of office furnishings, all of which boast the "made in America" label.  Whether your project is that of an entire bank headquarters building or a small start-up company, he has the answers and ability to solve the chaos of your company's work environment.  You can be confident that the recommendations which he makes for your specifications are truly the best match – he is not limited to just one furniture line.  Every project has the bonus of expert interior design co-ordination.